Associated Ministries

We all need someone to lean on.

Birthright Geauga

Birthright Geauga

is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping pregnant moms and those caring for young children. We offer pregnancy tests, maternity clothes, maternity related items, baby clothes, diapers, formula, baby gear, toys, books, and much more. We are supported by donations and all items are free of charge. We also help provide information of other resources for the services we don not provide. We also offer compassionate support for those who need someone to come along beside them during pregnancy and raising young children. Our childrens clothes are from infant to 5T. We also accept donations of new and gently used items. If you have questions, feel free to call during our open hours. If you are in need of our services, it is our pleasure to serve you.

For more information contact:
Kay Masink

Located at: Newbury, 12304 Kinsman Rd. (RT 87)
Hours: Monday - Friday 10 am - 4 pm
*No appointment necessary

Phone: (440)286-9711


Advocates for those in need

Hariet Tubman Movement Burton Ohio

Harriet Tubman Movement

Propelled by Christ’s love, the Harriet Tubman Movement is an advocacy group that acts as a bridge between a life of exploitation and a life of freedom for anyone caught in sex trafficking or prostitution. We work all over northeast Ohio with victims by providing the opportunity to pursue freedom by offering hope, resources, and advocacy. The Harriet Tubman Movement is the only organization that serves in this capacity and we have earned a trusted and exceptional reputation among our referral sources and clients because of our compassion, integrity, and excellence.  Our vision is that victims of sex trafficking or prostitution who are within our reach and desire to be free of exploitation will have access to compassionate and knowledgeable advocates who will provide meaningful and appropriate opportunities along their road to freedom.

For more information contact:
Laura Bartchak

PO Box 43, Burton, OH 44021

Phone (440)321-5007

Help Line (408)909-SAFE (7233)


Supporting our community!

Shire Shack

Shire Shack

Shire Shack began at the home of our founder, Sami Wiser, in 2018. We moved to our new building, compliments of Abundant Life Ministries Center, in May 2023.
We are a 100% volunteer and donation driven ministry.

Since 2019 hundreds of families in Geauga County have received free clothing. Shire Shack receives donations of gently used clothing, 6t - adult +.

13724 Carlton St Burton, OH 44021

Mon 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wed 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thurs 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
First Sat of the month 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
First Sun of the month 12:00 am - 2:00 pm

Donations accepted during open hours.

Follow us on Facebook page for additional popup hours.
The Shire Shack Facebook page 

For imediate needs, contact Abundant Life Outreach Leader:
Kim Freiberg 440-537-1658